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Get To Know The Seamanbook And Passport Arrangement Crewing Dept Services


November, 01 2022

During the sign On/Off, ship arrival & departure, and the crew change procedure crewing department service take huge awareness of the crew list documents and identification. Among ranges of documents, PT. Pelayaran Nasional SAMUDRA TUJUH also include Seamanbook And Passport Arrangement services for customer. Here are the details of the jobs.

Seamanbook Document Status

Located in Batam, Riau, PT. Pelayaran Nasional SAMUDRA TUJUH pay attention on the ship arrival procedure. One of the methods includes seamanbook and passport checking to identify the crew list and legality. The seamanbook itself is the Indonesian crew statue dialogue that covers some possible situations.

The first situation is when the ship crew is signed on the previous vessel. In this case, the crew needs to ask for sign-off approval to avoid the problematic Sign-On. Some other situations include not yet signing onto the new ship or vessel. Otherwise, the properly signed crew will not need any change and need a proper nonactive method before joining the different ship. 

Seamanbook Arrangement Services

1. For Sign-On

Sign-on seamanbook is categorized into two, locals and foreign ships. For local seamanbook and passport arrangement services, the checking procedure requires COC endorsement for officers, Basic safety training for nonofficers, PKL or sea work agreement by the company, and ID card or KTP. That identification also applied for ships with foreign flagships. 

2. For Sign Off

For the sign-off documents, the crew team will demand some documents of termination letter by the company that employs the seafarer. When there is no exact document, the crew needs to make one before proceeding with the sign-off step. In this case, PT. Pelayaran Nasional SAMUDRA TUJUH also demand documents to submit for Syahbandar operation team.

3. Seamanbook Renewal Or Extensions

PT. Pelayaran Nasional SAMUDRA TUJUH also offer renewal and extension service for seamanbook. The renewal is done when the Validation sheet or the sign on/off sheet are filled. For this seamanbook and passport arrangement, the crew dept needs original SKCK, health certification, ID photo, COCO endorse, BST, and ID cards.

Meanwhile, the seamanbook extensions service is when the document is due or expired in three months. This kind of service is Valid and can be done twice. But when the validation sheet is full, then the crew needs to renew the seamanbook. The requirement for these services is the BST, COC, Copy of ID card, and diploma. It can be done manually or online. 

Passport Arrangement Services

Passport issues and services mostly happen when the crew is signed on the previous vessel or when the crew wants to sign on to a ship before departure. In this case of seamanbook and passport arrangement, the sign-on or off procedure for a local passport is pretty easy. As long as the document is valid and no issues, the crew dept will hand the document to the operational team and substitute agent.

Taking care and helping in working with the Seamanbook or passport is part of the marine and port business. PT. Pelayaran Nasional SAMUDRA TUJUH has more than 10 year of experience in the sector. It caters help on documents and permits, including for seamanbook and passport. There are also ranges of offers to support local marine businesses.  

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